Episode Transcript: #1520 - Dr. Debra Soh
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3, 2, 1. Hello, Deborah.
We were just talking, you're locked up in Toronto. You were thinking about flying here,
but they fill the planes now, you were saying, which is a little disturbing. I did not know
they're doing that.
Yeah, they usually would leave the middle seat open, but as of about a month or so ago,
they book it fully now. So I was super excited. I'm so sad that I can't be there with you
because I've been counting down the days and I was thinking, I have to at least be in LA
to do Joe's show, but it was just a bit scared.
Yeah, well, it's scary. It's weird. I mean, how many people have you known that have caught
it now?
Actually nobody.
Isn't that wild?
That's crazy.
Everybody I know knows at least one or two people. I don't know anyone, so I'm very, very
I'm up to nine friends. Nine friends have gotten it.
Yeah, two of them got it bad. Yeah, two of them got it really bad to the point where they