Episode Transcript: #1523 - Joey Diaz & Brian Redban
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Salute gentlemen salute happy birthday my brother thank you for many more
Commendous three spins around the Sun. I have not fucking had a drink the whole fucking the whole COVID the whole COVID
Not even I didn't drink before that either
I think so much for a drinker. It's fuck every night I go home. I'm gonna have a makeup because I think it makes a light
Yeah, I point. Oh, yeah
Tremendous double zero that actually tastes good alcohol
It's the bed they Heineken has for sure the best non-alcoholic beer tastes like fucking beer
Like it if you were an alcoholic you'd be like, oh my god, I fucked up like you know how you have those
Like I like old duels it tastes good, but it doesn't taste like beer a cold old duels is delicious
I like those not out. I do some people don't like them. I like them like a cold one
It's really nice, but it you know what you're doing with the Heineken they kind of trick you
I don't know what the fuck they're doing
They're doing some weird shit because it tastes like tastes like beer
Well beer is like a taste kind of that's that's the why do is work
It's kind of like that smoke juice you put in meat like oh, that's the taste of smoke right or like watermelon gum
Yeah, don't taste like water melon. It's so good
It's so crazy how beer like I grew up on six packs and eight packs
Eight packs with eight ounces. Yeah nips
You got a case of nips or a case of beer and then you went out to Colorado and had 3.2