Episode Transcript: #1524 - Ron Funches
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Hello, Ron.
Hello, Joe.
How are you?
I'm good, man.
You are good.
You got double water bottles.
One water, one protein shake.
Oh, you're not fucking around.
No, you know, last time I wasn't aware how long I would be here, now I'm prepared, I'm
going to settle in, I'm not going to be hungry, my wife got me all set up, water, protein shake.
Make sure that your blood sugar doesn't drop, maintain energy levels.
You are a man who has done one of the most difficult things a person could do.
You lost a ton of weight.
Yeah, and then maintain, keep it going.
That's the harder.
Right, that's the hard part.
Yeah, the momentum of losing the weight is good, but most people, they get to a point
and they want to take a break.
And then once they take a break, then it all slides.