Episode Transcript: #1543 - Brian Muraresku & Graham Hancock
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The Joe Rogan Experience.
Join my day, Joe Rogan Podcast, my night! All day!
Joining us by Skype is the great and powerful Graham Hancock.
My friend, how are you, sir?
Hi, Joe. It's really good to be back with you.
I wish I could be there in person.
It feels very strange to be on this technology,
but these are the times we live in.
Yeah, well, I'm just happy we could talk at all.
Me too.
It's the little things, like little victories.
And Brian, I'm going to try it. I'm going to try it.
More rescue.
You nailed it, bro.
Thank you.
But this is the first time we've ever done one of these as well
in the studio where one per... maybe ever, visual.
We've never done... we did one with you guys.
Remember, we did Randall Carlson.