Episode Transcript: #1558 - Tristan Harris
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Chris Don, how are ya?
Good, good to be here.
Good to have you here, man.
You were just telling me before we went on air the numbers of the social dilemma and their bonkers.
So, say that.
Yeah, the social dilemma was seen by 38 million households in the first 28 days on Netflix,
which I think is broken records.
And if you assume, you know, a lot of people are seeing it with their family,
because parents seeing it with their kids, the issues that are around teen mental health.
So, if you assume one out of ten families saw it with a few family members,
we're in the 40 to 50 million people range, which is just broken records, I think, for Netflix.
I think it was the second most popular documentary throughout the month of September.
Or film throughout the month of September.
It is a really well done documentary, but I think it's one of those documentaries that affirmed a lot of people's worst suspicions about the dangers of social media.
And then on top of that, it sort of alerted them to what they were already experiencing in their own personal life and highlighted it.
Yeah, I think that's right.
Most people were aware, I think it's a thing everyone's been feeling, that the feeling you have when you use social media isn't that this thing is just a tool or it's on my side.