Episode Transcript: #1560 - Mike Baker
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The Joe Rogan Experience.
Train by day Joe Rogan podcast by night all day.
It's a Wallroister.
Fossilized Wallroister.
Somebody gave it to me.
It wasn't my idea.
I could have had that information before I picked it up.
I'm sorry.
Check, check, check. There we go.
There we go.
Yeah, Steve Rinella was here yesterday.
I guess the technical term is bacula.
I didn't know it was called a bacula.
That's what it is.
Dick Bone.
I've got one at home.
I don't know if Fred Amin has been up in Alaska most of his life.
He sent this.
It's not like this. It's on this ornamental stand.
It's polished.