Episode Transcript: #1571 - Emily Harrington
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The Joe Rogan Experience.
Train by day, Joe Rogan podcast by night, all day.
Hello Emily.
What's happening?
You seem very normal.
And that's what always stuns me about people who do insane things.
Like they're just like Alex Honnold, I've met him a few times, had him on the show a couple of times.
Super normal guy, but does what you do.
Yeah, I would argue Alex isn't as normal as me.
Oh really? How so?
I don't know, you've met him.
I think he's normal.
He's pretty normal.
He's very mellow.
What he does is exponentially more dangerous than what I do, I would argue.
Because there's no ropes at all.
He doesn't use ropes, I do use ropes.