Episode Transcript: #1577 - Terry Virts
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Thanks for doing this, man.
Thanks for having me on. This is awesome.
You spent 200 days in space.
In a row.
I did.
My first flight was two weeks. My second flight was 200 days.
That's insane. What does that feel like?
The two weeks was not enough. I got back to Earth and I was like, man, that was awesome.
I need to go do this again.
And after 200 days, it was awesome. But it was like, alright, I checked the box and, you know, I've done everything.
I was a shuttle pilot, you know, station commander. I did spacewalks.
So I had a chance, I feel like I had a chance to do everything.
I made an IMAX movie while I was up there.
I feel like I had a chance to do, you know, everything I wanted to do.
When you did two weeks, is there a recovery period when you return after two weeks?