Episode Transcript: #1692 - Jason Wilson
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Joe Rogan Podcast, check it out!
The Joe Rogan Experience.
Train by day, Joe Rogan Podcast by night, all day!
Well, it's a pleasure meeting you.
Oh, it's an honor to meet you.
Honor to meet you too.
You know, I've paid attention to your videos, and I followed you on Instagram, and so many times I've watched your videos and said,
That's an authentic guy. Like, I want to meet that guy. I want to talk to him.
So, I was really excited that you were willing to do this.
Oh man, I was honored. You know, let me turn this, I guess.
I was really honored. When I reached out to you on Instagram, I was surprised that you were following me.
I was blown away, man. I just said, man, you know, I've been watching you for a while, and I was just, you know, when you offered me to come here, man, I just was ecstatic.
So, thanks, man. It's an honor to be here.
Oh, my pleasure.
You know, I think one thing that young boys and men as well need in this world is guidance and mentorship.
And to get that from martial arts is one of the best ways, in one of the most fulfilling and satisfying ways.
So, I found you from a video that a bunch of people sent me of you working with a young boy who was having a hard time dealing with the pain of, like, punching through a board.
You know, the video. And just the way you were communicating with him and letting him know that it's okay to cry and that, you know, just express yourself.
And it was refreshing and it was authentic. But it was also, like, you could tell, like, that kid is going to get a lot out of that exchange.