Episode Transcript: #1721 - Michael Malice
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The Joe Rogan Experience.
Train by day, Joe Rogan Podcast by night, all day.
Michael Malis, has there ever been a person in history that has more support than this
fellow Brandon?
Let's go, Brandon!
It seems like that is the most popular person I've ever come across.
Everyone is in support of this Brandon fellow.
There's this internet meme of a man who's been in the world for a long time.
Everyone is in support of this Brandon fellow.
There's this internet meme about, I think his name is Kyle, who drinks Monster Red Bull
and puts his fist through drywall.
Is that named Kyle?
I don't know about Kyle.
Kyle is a white kid who drinks a lot of Monster and puts his fist through drywall.
Brandon is everywhere.
I don't know this Kyle fellow though.
Is this a popular meme?
Oh, here it is.
Yeah, there it is.
Kyle, I was right.