Episode Transcript: #1737 - Tim Pool
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The Joe Rogan Experience
How's it going man? I'm so excited it's been like a year and a half.
Nice to see you. Last night was fucking chaos. You can't have like 10 people with microphones
in a room in a trailer. It was good though because Alex would just
screaming. Ahhhh. Too many people talked at once so he was acting like you know that buffer.
Thanks for coming man. It was fun. It ended up being huge. We had like over a million people
watch and it was a cacophony of crazy voices and I don't know if anyone learned anything but
it was fun. Just seeing Alex sitting next to Blair White and then you and me and Luke and it was just
it was wild. Yeah man. Very fun. Yeah but seriously thanks for coming down. When it came
together accidentally because one by one everyone wanted to come on the show on the same day. I
felt bad for Blair White because we had originally booked her and then at the last minute I can't
remember who it was probably Luke he was like have you asked Joe and I was like he's got a comedy
show he's too busy but you know if you don't ask the answers always know and then Joe's like yeah
I'll come by it'll be great. Yeah I worked it in we got in. I had a podcast before then so we're
with my friend Ben and we were hammered so we had been drinking and smoking weed and we went
straight over to there so it was it was silly. Right on man. It was quite silly. So what's going on?
Well we're sitting here waiting for this written house verdict right which is apparently going
to happen today maybe and what's interesting to me is that people are framing this as a race thing.
From the beginning. Well and then many people are realizing now because they're paying attention
to the trial that he actually shot white people. Yeah. Like there's many people that thought