Episode Transcript: #1739 - Philip Goff
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The Joe Rogan Experience.
Train by day, Joe Rogan Podcast by night, all day.
Yeah, yeah.
Well, it started out as a plain clean table, because this is a new studio.
And then along the line, people give you a bunch of shit, and then it just starts piling up.
And you have to figure out when, like when do I empty this ashtray?
When do I throw out some of these objects?
When do I move them into storage?
And then when I move them into storage, there always seems to be new ones that show up.
So these are all things people have bought?
Yes, everything is something someone's given me.
Except the deer head.
Oh, please don't give me anything.
We're good.
Thank you.
Just your pretty self.
It's fine.
So thanks for doing this, man.
Appreciate it.
No worries.