Episode Transcript: #1784 - Diana Rodgers & Robb Wolf
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The Joe Rogan Experience.
Train by day, Joe Rogan Podcast by night, all day!
Hello folks. Good to see ya. Good to see you. Thanks for coming.
Glad we didn't make it snow again in Texas. You almost did. I mean it was 10 snow.
It might snow today. It's very possible because it was drizzling when I left the house and it was 30 degrees.
So, which is not supposed to happen. It's supposed to be snow. Hopefully we'll get it.
Yeah. Last time you were supposed to come, it became a complete disaster.
But it was fun. It was fun to watch people slide around and know that this city has zero infrastructure in terms of like dealing with snow.
It's kind of...because I grew up in Massachusetts where it's, you know, they know how to handle snow.
Out here, they're baffled. Do you want it?
I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure.
I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure.
You know, they know how to handle snow. Out here, they're baffled. Do you want it?
She got...tell them what happened with you.
Well, so my flight from...I'm from Boston. And my flight from Houston to Austin was canceled.
So I got the last SUV. You don't know how much I wanted to be on your show.
I got the last SUV, drove through the ice storm to Austin where there was like just dead cars.
You know, it was like zombie apocalypse.
Got to a Marriott around the corner from here and thought, well, at least I'll be able to walk if nothing else.
And my room overlooked this on-ramp and I just, every day for a week with no running water and no bottled water,