Episode Transcript: #1842 - Andrew Huberman
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The Joe Rogan Experience.
Train by day, Joe Rogan Podcast by night, all day.
Alright, here we go.
What's up, man?
Great to see you.
Good to see you too.
So we were just talking about Ari blacking out, trying to keep up with Shane Gillis,
who is a super human drinker.
It's bizarre, the volume you can put down.
And you were saying, you were about to say something?
Yeah, I mean, obviously there's a tolerance that's built up with drinking a lot, but I
believe the number is approximately 8% of people have a mutation in a gene such that
when they drink alcohol, it increases their dopamine levels very quickly, and they get
They feel great.
These are the people like that character in Mad Men, the Don Draper character, like he
would go out and just get plastered and the next day, you know, he's all fresh and ready.
And part of that is tolerance.
But in certain Scandinavian countries, northern European countries, this gene tends to be
more prevalent.