Episode Transcript: #1863 - Mark Zuckerberg
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So, your new Oculus is awesome. It's very impressive. Yeah, it's very cool. Coming out in October,
we're going to be talking about it at our Connect conference that's coming up. Yeah,
it's so interesting. When you put it on, so I'll just describe it to people, when I put it on,
there was an avatar in front of me and it was an alien woman. And the alien woman,
when I moved my mouth, she moved her mouth. When I moved my eyes left and right,
she's tracking my eyes. When I make like a angry face, like it makes an angry face. When you
go like, oh, it's incredible. It's like, you can see the evolution and the progress of this stuff
where it's getting to the point where it's mimicking human patterns in a kind of a creepy way.
But it's very cool. Yeah, so for me, the stuff is all about helping people connect. The way that
I got into this is, I just started thinking about what would be the ultimate expression of
basically people using technology to feel present with each other. It's not phones,
it's not computers. How do you get this sensation of actually being present like you're right there
with another person? And that's to me what virtual and eventually augmented reality are all about.
And there's just this whole technology roadmap that we basically just need to go run down over
the next decade to unlock that. So for the next device that's coming out in October,
there are a few big features. The one that you're talking about, basically social presence. The
ability to now have kind of eye contact in virtual reality, have your face be tracked. So that way
your avatar, it's not just like this still thing. But if you smile or if you frown or if you pout or
whatever your expression is, have that actually just in real time translate to your avatar. I
mean, that's obviously like our facial expressions are just a huge, that's like a, and there's more