Episode Transcript: #1865 - Aaron Rodgers
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So it's good to see you, man.
Good to see you, man. Thanks for having me on.
How you doing? My pleasure. How you doing?
I'm doing great. Yeah, it's been an interesting year or so, but man, it's been a good year.
What was the craziness like, like when all the people were calling you a plague rat and...
I mean, it's you and the... How do you say the guy's name, the tennis player?
Novak Djokovic.
Yeah, Djokovic. I mean, we talk about the healthiest human beings on earth, professional athletes.
Well, you should have played in the U.S. Open now, because of this.
Yeah, I know, which is bananas. The guy's already had COVID, recovered from it.
I think he had it twice. And he's one of the best athletes in the world.
I mean, the guy's bodies in tip-top condition.
Tennis players are an incredible fitness.
Incredible. Yeah. Yeah. And no, you can't come. You didn't follow the rules.
It defies science, defies logic. It doesn't make any sense. None of it makes sense,
especially at this stage of the pandemic air quotes. I mean, what the fuck, man?
What was it like for you?