#189 - B-Real cover

Episode Transcript: #189 - B-Real

NaN minutesEpisode #189

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Current time: 00:00:00

is that your new thing yeah oh okay well this podcast has already been sponsored


so this shit is just no beginning no music brian there's nothing that needs to be done


yeah that's it launch i'm tweeting something right now


ridiculous um so have you heard the news what's that


uh just hoping you knew something interesting to talk about oh yeah yeah yeah no have you um


whatever dude i'm addicted to toilets now i've been looking all over these japanese toilets that


we we experienced in japan and uh it's funny because it's if you don't know what it is they're


heated already and so like when you sit down uh it's uh it like it feels like somebody else has


sat and sat down taking a massive shit before you like you know what i mean like it's weird


and then you take a shit and then you push a button there's three buttons like one is like


hot water like like a missile getting shot up your ass hot water and it feels really good like i


tried to position my asshole like perfectly trying to do it yeah one of them is uh one of them is bidet


and the bidet is like the the blast of water that cleans your butt and then there's a mild spray


and then there's a wash it see all all of them seem pretty good and one was a little hotter than


normal but like i didn't want to do the it also had an air dryer i don't know if you noticed that


but i didn't want to sit wait for that that's ridiculous because that seemed gay but yet me


trying to like move that water in my ass for 20 minutes i think i sat there at one point just


trying to it felt really good it does feel good you don't realize how little attention your asshole


gets especially when it comes to pleasure devices yeah in america we have a problem with that like


you can get something that massages your neck no problem but to have like a warm stream of water

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