Episode Transcript: #1896 - Bjørn Lomborg
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the joe rogan experience.
trained by day, joe rogan podcasts by night, all day.
would you like coffee?
so see, i brought my mountain dew diet.
oh, you're a mountain dew guy?
oh boy.
i like a man who prepares for his podcasts.
all right, we rolling?
we're up?
did you get that part?
this dude drinks mountain dew diet.
that is like the anti-environmentalist beverage of choice.
is it?
oh, i'm kidding.
aluminum is actually good, right?
because aluminum does get recycled.
you can recycle it, yeah.
it does get recycled.
oh yeah, yeah, it's no problem.
we were so heartbroken reading this article recently about plastics, about how it's like