Episode Transcript: #1905 - Derek, More Plates More Dates
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The Joe Rogan Experience
Train by day Joe Rogan podcast by night all day
Hey Derek you know how I got so jacked?
I followed the nine ancestral tenants.
Oh that's I heard that works really well.
It's the best way.
Boy when I saw that video that you posted you actually sent me the video after I'd already
seen it.
I caught it like within three minutes of you posting it.
Oh my god.
I saw it it just showed up on YouTube feed I'm like oh yes here we go and wasn't surprised
at all.
It's all it seems completely makes sense but that's exactly what I expected.
Yeah it seems like just a matter of time for him.
There's no way you can look like that.
In your 40s that jack I mean he's preposterously jacked.
Do we have a fucking now that we know that he's full of shit we're talking about the
liver king by the way ladies and gentlemen a lot of people like what are they saying
this is all inside stuff.