#192 - Sam Harris cover

Episode Transcript: #192 - Sam Harris

NaN minutesEpisode #192
Sam Harris

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Current time: 00:00:00

is that it yeah did you start did you launch yeah that was the meow guess what no sponsors


just fucking cue the music can i give you a dollar at least yes give me a book all right cool hit it


the joe rogan experience


yeah we have music it's ridiculous but it makes me feel like something's actually happening


sam harris ladies and gentlemen thanks for joining me man this is really cool it's an


excellent opportunity the internets are abuzz i've gotten more response for this as far as like


questions for you than i think any any guests we've ever had great well i'm very happy to be here


i'm happy here too man i've watched a lot of your videos online i've enjoyed every one of them and


i liken some of those debates that you get into with those old gracie in action videos uh-huh have


you ever seen those old gracie in action videos i'm not entirely sure though i know the ones you're


talking about i've seen a lot of gracie material yeah well the gracie in action videos are really


the first videos that hori and gracie hori and gracie uh who's uh hitlio's son you know hoist's


brother's a brilliant businessman and he realized that all he needed to do was put together a series


of real life encounters between a trained jujitsu practitioner and some guy who thinks


he knows how to fight he's he's sure he knows how to fight right and then he just gets mangled


every time every single fight this wasn't the gracie challenge at all well they've got a bunch


of them i mean there's gracie's and gracie in action one and two there's essentially just it's


it's basically just compilations of home videos that they have right of really for martial artists


really brilliant stuff to watch because you know until the gracies came along nobody really knew that


there was one guy out there that could just sort of manhandle people like that and just strangle

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