Episode Transcript: #1960 - Andrew Schulz
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The Joe Rogan Experience
Train by day Joe Rogan podcast by night all day
What's happening big dog?
What's up my man?
Hey first archery shot ever.
Oh that was cool.
40 yards with an 80 pound compound bow you got it right in the fucking vitals.
That was cool.
That's an amazing thing you should probably quit now.
First of all the bow is not even set up for you.
The way the bow is set up is for me I have shorter arms than you.
You would have a longer draw length so you have to kind of like move your body a little
and you sense it that peep sight.
Bro that's a long shot for a first shot ever in a bow 40 yards in an indoor range and you
got it right in the vitals.
Now what were you thinking when I struggled to pull it back?
It's weird.
Oh that is a common thing that happened.