Episode Transcript: #2180 - Jordan Peterson
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The Joe Rogan Experience.
Showing by day, Joe Rogan Podcast by night, all day!
You don't use headphones, huh?
It messes up my hair.
Good to see you.
What's going on in your coat today?
Every day is a new one.
Yeah, well, I've got this suitmaker,
LGFG, Dimitri, the crazy Russian, and he, you know,
pays attention to what I'm doing and makes me the suits that he thinks are suitable,
and I wear them.
You've gotten quite extravagant, though.
Like, sometimes, like, one half of the suit is one color.
Like, you're getting bored.
You just want to switch it up a lot.
He sends me these damn things, and I get them, and I think,
there's no way, I wear that.
There's no way I'll wear that, and then I put it on, I think,