Episode Transcript: #2238 - John McPhee
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Joe Rogan podcast, check it out.
The Joe Rogan experience.
Train by day, Joe Rogan podcast by night, all day.
Yeah, good to see you, brother.
Yeah, how are you, man?
Great, great.
It was nice to meet you at F1, and I really loved your episode of Sean Ryan.
I fucking love that dude.
Thanks, man.
Yeah, Sean is-
He's the man.
He's awesome.
I love Sean.
I'm so glad there's guys like him doing this, that there's more people like him that are
finding new ways to ... Media is so wide open now, and you don't have to get hired by a
television station anymore.
You can just start your own shit, and Sean's show is fucking great.
Yeah, he's great.
Sean's, I love him as a person.
Yeah, I love him too.