Episode Transcript: #2239 - Derek, More Plates More Dates
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Joe Rogan podcast, check it out.
The Joe Rogan experience.
Train by day, Joe Rogan podcast by night, all day.
So we just watched this, what is this exact job?
We watched this guy get assassinated, which is kind of, I've seen more people assassinated
and killed over the last two years on Instagram than I ever have in my whole life.
Oh, yeah, dude, the Explorer page now is a disaster.
It's just like me and Tom Segura have this thing where we send each other the most fucked
up thing we find every day.
It's a brutal text thread.
But because of it, now I'm locked into this algorithm.
He's the CEO of their insurance unit, which I don't know what the difference is and what
people are.
He's the CEO.
A targeted attack by a gunman waiting for him, a real assassination, 6.45 a.m. outside the
Hilton on 6th Avenue, where the company's annual investor conference is about to take
Yeah, man.
I wonder what's going on with that.
That's one of those things that just makes conspiracy theorists go cuckoo.