Episode Transcript: #2240 - Roger Avary & Quentin Tarantino
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so you're saying that someone was telling you how to kill someone with coffee okay so i got to know
all these uh you were talking about uh some his name's john mcphee some operators and uh
i got to know through a friend through a billionaire friend who uh loaned his plane
to the to clinton to fly those people out of uh i think north korea and so from that point on he
was surrounded by these guys and uh one of them uh this guy mikey uh which isn't his real name um
i think he's actually named they name them all after the archangels so he was like michael oh
jesus like gabriel and like they take on these there's nothing creeper than an assassin
with a biblical name archangel yeah and well you know and so um he uh um you know we got to know
each other because of our mutual friend and uh i think what happened was uh he and a couple of
other guys you know they were placed on me as like for surveillance purposes like you know
find out what the savory guy's about maybe or just keep an eye on him or whatever and they told me
right up front like be nice to your surveillance you know like don't try to lose us or anything like
that because uh and i heard stories about how you know they're surveilling somebody in
wherever yeah bolivia and suddenly some gang attacks their surveillance and they step in kick the
shit out of the gang and so um so i got to know these guys and naturally you know i'm a writer and
uh filmmaker and so i of course want to talk to them about stuff and they immediately started
volunteering oh yeah we've learned all these different ways when i became an operator blah blah
blah i learned how to kill people without and i was just making a list now of the 10 ways to
kill someone without uh leaving a trace i was like well just like when i told quentin about this
he's like well what are those i'd like to hear those everybody wants to hear those and so one