Episode Transcript: #2243 - Julian Lennon
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I go see this dermatologist.
Oh, you have a little more skin.
Yeah, a little excision here because it had been bothering me a bit.
And a couple of years ago, I had a bit of a cancer scare on my head.
Because I have a birthmark here that you don't really see.
And there was a mole there.
And I kept, as my hair got a little thinner, I would use a comb.
And it caught it one time.
And it opened it up.
And so I kind of kept picking at it when it became a scab.
And I kept picking over the course of like six months.
And then I went to see this dermatologist for the first time in L.A.
And I said, yeah, I've got a little bit of a, you know, I've been trying not to scratch it now.
But I'm a bit worried about it.
It's been like six months of me being an idiot because it just was really irritable.
And so she, you know, cut it out and sent it off.
And I was at a pretty serious meeting with a whole bunch of people.
And she called me up at the end of it and said, listen, I'm sorry to tell you this, but it's cancerous.
You know, we've got to cut it out.