Episode Transcript: #2246 - James Fox
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Joe Rogan podcast, check it out.
The Joe Rogan experience.
Train by day, Joe Rogan podcast by night, all day.
It's a very good time to have a UFO expert in.
A lot has been going on.
This is, you know, I had, I know you ran into him.
I had Ryan Graves on yesterday.
Oh my God, I'll tell you the funny story about how I ran into him.
You ran into him in the lobby of the hotel, right?
So the lobby told me, they're all, don't use this one elevator.
It's really rickety.
And it makes a lot of noise.
And it's just, it's not very reliable and just don't use it.
So I didn't.
And then I was leaving 24 hours later to come down and get some coffee.
And I was like, ah, fuck it.
Let me take the rickety elevator.
I was like, they told me not to take it, but I'm going to take it anyway.
So I pushed the button.
I'm standing there.