Episode Transcript: #2251 - Rick Perry & W. Bryan Hubbard
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Well, Governor Perry, thank you very much for being here.
It's a pleasure and honor to meet you.
And Brian, would you explain your relationship and how you guys know each other?
I had a public service career in the state of Kentucky,
and the last stint of it involved my role as the chairman and executive director
of the Kentucky Opioid Abatement Advisory Commission.
Within that role, I designed for what, by lack of a better term,
was the Kentucky Ibogaine Initiative.
The state had received $842 million in settlements that will be paid out over the next 15 years
by opioid distributors and manufacturers for their role in the creation
and perpetuation of the opioid epidemic.
And as the Kentucky Ibogaine Project was developed and executed,
I was introduced to Governor Perry as someone who was a believer and advocate in the medicine.
He and I developed a professional relationship.
He was a vocal supporter and participant in the initiative itself.
He appeared by video to give a testimonial about the immense potential
around the development of Ibogaine.
And he also was so wonderfully helpful as to procure an op-ed in Newsweek magazine
in October of last year endorsing the initiative.
He has been a tremendous supporter, mentor, and I am privileged to call him my friend.