Episode Transcript: #2256 - Protect Our Parks 14
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The Joe Rogan Experience.
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Mazel tov!
Queep it up!
All I've been doing is sending Ari, my algorithm is flooded with Jewish stuff.
I know.
My algorithm is flooded with like Jew rules.
It's just rules from like low-level influencers in the Hasidic community.
It's crazy what you've like.
I get so many of them every day, so I send them to him.
What are the rules?
Oh, it's all like, are you allowed when you use your frying pan for eggs?
Are you allowed to use it for me?
Say you go on vacation and your pot isn't kosher.
What can you do on the Sabbath?
You gotta take it to the ocean, throw it in the ocean.
They're throwing the fucking pots in the ocean to make it kosher.