Episode Transcript: #2257 - Bryan Callen
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Do you have a good point?
I said my wife, I smoked one of these and I didn't brush my teeth.
I woke up the next morning and my wife said, your breath is four dimensional.
You didn't brush your teeth before you went to bed and you smoked a cigar?
Of course I didn't brush my teeth before I went to bed.
Give a fuck.
You know what I mean?
You're married, you're married.
She was like, I love you so much.
Your breath is four dimensional.
You know, these fires, I, uh, I have two small children now because what I want to do is
what you want to do is you want to get divorced and then you want to have, get married again
to a woman who's 23 years younger and then have two more kids.
Cause that's good.
And, uh, and then I definitely takes a lot of financial stress.
Oh, dude, there's no financial stress at all.
It's great.