Episode Transcript: #2276 - Felipe Esparza
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Good to see you my friend it's been too long what's up fool good to see you too when was the last time I saw you brother it was like five years ago or something five years ago and I did the show here when you were in LA yeah at the warehouse damn that's what I miss most about the store is uh you know
traveling dudes we would meet up we'd meet up at the home base yes and now when I was a young comic I would see like older comics like that I would see on television they would just come out at that bar or the patio just get a refresh yeah and you pass by and you see oh yeah that's um man Arsenio Hall that's Elaine Boosler OG right there you know you're like what right I used to see her at Dodger Stadium when I worked at Dodger Stadium
and I would ask her for advice and she was just you know like well every comic back there just keep writing she's a funny comic yeah she was a funny comic who's that lady that was on um Curb Your Enthusiasm she's very funny too old school comic god damn it I'm very embarrassed that I forgot her name she hasn't done comedy in a long time look that up
Suzy yes Suzy yes Suzy Yasmin oh Suzy Yasmin did stand up yes oh she was great oh she was really funny I middled for her once in like fucking 1989 or some shit
way back in the day my who you middled for that lady wow yeah yeah I forgot someplace on Long Island I can't might have been like governors or something like that I don't I do not remember but I remember she was very nice
she was very funny very nice very encouraging which is the the best man when you get to work with someone that you see on television and you just like starting out and they're nice to you that's so valuable I can't believe it like when I when I when I was
Suzy yes there she is whoa she looked like Elaine from Seinfeld yeah similar but that's the haircut back then huh
she yeah well they all had crazy everybody lost their mind in the 80s Ali Lieberman yeah they all they all lost their mind back then because like from the 70s to the 80s nobody knew how to dress they did crazy shit with their hair she's going over her set
yeah they would all tease their hair it was crazy there was like a big hair thing I think it was when people started doing cocaine that's what I think I think is the 80s was Miami Vice and cocaine everybody lost their mind
they lost their fashion sense people started wearing wacky clothes cars started looking like shit yeah man the sob
pinto cars just started looking like shit I mean if you want an objective analysis of what happens to a society when they remove marijuana and mushrooms and then they bring in cocaine it's like yeah hey you know what it's gonna call Ford Fiesta yeah
cuz we were Fiesta yesterday but cocaine brought a Sam Kennison too though you have to realize cocaine's done some good
you think he did a lot of a lot of a lot of no no I think it's terrible for everybody who does it but I do think that there's moments of inspired creativity from all kinds of substances
especially that rock and roll cocaine that they used to get where it was like just real pure cocaine it wasn't stepped on did have amphetamines and fentanyl in it all kinds of other shit
good shit not at the stuff you buy like a grab wrap with Iowa and I say this is a person who's never tried cocaine never never never
don't be lying no I would not lie never no never no I got real lucky when I was in high school I had a buddy of mine and his cousin started selling it and he was a great guy and I watched this dude kind of like shrink into it and I watched this dude kind of like shrink into it and I watched this dude kind of like
shrink into himself and lost a ton of weight and him and his girlfriend just they had this attic apartment and they would just hang out and do coke and sell coke and they would just like watch TV and do coke and it was wow it was like they got bit by a vampire man it scared the shit out of me I was afraid of cocaine man cuz when I started stand up like I started standing up like in 94 93
yeah open mic and I was clean I was sober I was a year I was in rehab and I wanted to be a comedian so I went to a library to learn about writing Jean Perret comedy writing step by step another book called how to write funny be funny and make money being funny and that was a real great book bro I mean it had um comedy clubs locations in the back
oh yeah and they had booker numbers like to submit your comedy yeah well remember the comedy USA industry guide
a hundred dollars yeah can you believe that shit bro I remember dudes used to take out full page ads that's how you knew they were killing it when a dude would take out a full page ad in the comedy USA industry guide I'm like wow he's got a full page ad