Episode Transcript: #2277 - Woody Harrleson
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What's happening, man? How are you?
Everything's groovy as could be. I'm happy to be in Austin. I love it here, you know.
It's a fun place.
Yeah, yeah. I mean, I stay here, so...
Oh, do you?
Yeah, yeah. And, uh, I don't know. It's, like, just, it's just a special place in this country.
Yeah, I agree. It's perfect, because it's like a blue city and a red state.
It's like, even the really kooky liberal people are pretty reasonable in comparison to, like, the kooky liberal people from California or New York.
Yeah, kooky liberals. Yeah, I've been thinking a lot about that lately.
Did you get a lot of that after Saturday Night Live? A lot of kooky liberals coming your way?
Uh, yeah, exactly. That's a good transition.
That, uh, monologue was great, by the way.
Yeah. Well, I got a lot of blowback, as I knew I would, you know, because, uh...
Because you told the truth.
Well, yeah, I, you know, it's just that you don't want to say anything negative about vaccines, which I didn't.
What I was talking about in that monologue was really about profiteering.