#255 - Duncan Trussell cover

Episode Transcript: #255 - Duncan Trussell

NaN minutesEpisode #255
Duncan Trussell

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Current time: 00:00:00

ducky trussell the is going down you know i just speaking of going down what's going down down


what's going on what's going i saw a uh really speaking of battle ropes i saw this very disturbing


video today have you seen the thing of the old dudes with broad swords chopping the heads off


pigs whoa no way it's weird dude because they're like oh my god they're not like warriors they're


just older guys at maybe a knife convention or something i'm not sure what it is holy


they have a broad sword and they're just lopping off the heads of pigs oh my god like hanging upside


down just lopping them off and the swords it really does demonstrate that is how bloody battles used to


be because they just it's like they just slide right through the neck of that pig just slide


through like a knife through butter and the sound is so gross this flick flick and these weird old


dudes just swinging these swords it's fucking strange man jesus christ so glad that we got


past that phase of human history thank god someone invented a gun yeah isn't that funny i ate if i got


to choose i'll take a gun i i think yeah yeah i'll take it i'm sure there's far less violence today than


there ever was when they were swinging swords around i'm sure it's like no comparison well yeah i mean you


could just think how easy it was if you were in a bad mood to kill somebody back then there's no dna


finger there's no fingerprints if you're just wandering through a town you just see a particularly


plump young child drag that thing into the woods please isn't it weird there's no amber alert that


was not that long ago in human history you know oh no man it's the weirdest thing of all humanity is


the the humanity that preys upon its young it's like their their youth was ruined and so now they want to


ruin youths it's almost always the same story so it's a scary frightening aspect of humanity


you're talking about people that want to you know abduct kids oh yeah people want it yeah but it's it's

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