Episode Transcript: #283 - Dave Attell
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This is my new t-shirt. This is the gas mask chimpanzee higher primate t-shirt. You can't see it
But now, you know for the rest of the podcast. Yeah, now, you know for the rest of the podcast what the fuck I'm wearing
but we have three new designs in at higher primate and
There's also what are you laughing at man? It's so funny. Am I allowed to talk or no? Yeah
You can do whatever the fuck you want son you David tell
No, I was gonna say what's the difference between the serotonin and the melatonin? Melatonin is what puts you to sleep
Yeah, melatonin is what relaxes you and puts you to sleep. Yeah, that's great before sleep, too. Yeah
Serotonin is what actually makes you feel happy. Okay. Yeah, like dopamine serotonin
I'm taking the wrong one
Just sleep now. I get it. Okay. Well, you have like a little tip to your filter like a little this is Hunter s Thompson for
Yeah, I
Want to shoot Lugers out in the parking lot? I would love to is that for your teeth? Is that why you do it?
I do for my teeth and I'm also trying to stop smoking
So like I figure the further I get away from the cigarette the more I will you need to get a real legit
I need like actually someone to smoke it for me and I just do the second
But yeah
All right, you're very fucking observant. Yeah, we're on top of the ball
That's not the way you're supposed to say it. We're on the ball. We say we're on top of the top of the fucking show
Ladies and gentlemen, it doesn't start until I hear music. It doesn't officially start until Brian cues the track and then then we move
The Joe Rogan experience