Episode Transcript: #29 - Brian Redban
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Bam! Ladies and gentlemen, day 27. Is that what it is, Brian?
Week 27? Or podcast 27, right? We did two in a week once.
That was a crazy week.
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome once again to the weekly Ustream podcast.
Really, it's been fucking weekly, man.
Actually, it's 29. We're way late.
Podcast 29. It's amazing that we kept with it for this long.
And it's also amazing that I never did anything like this before.
It is.
You know? It takes me so long to get into a groove with anything.
It took me so long to accept, like, email lists and MySpace and all that shit.
Like, for the longest time, I was like, I don't want to get involved in promoting myself.
Fuck that. You know, fuck advertising shows.
Just get on the radio and just do it like normal.
But then you see all these other dudes that are doing it that way,
and they're doing so well with it. What happened to your shit?
I think MySpace is the first one that actually went crazy.
You know, like, that made you realize the power of the internet.