Episode Transcript: #297 - Dom Irrera
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The Joe Rogan Experience.
Train by day, Joe Rogan podcast by night, all day.
If one hour into the podcast, Brian becomes a bundle of energy and super duper talkative,
it may or may not be because he got a hold of some provigil.
May or may not be.
I need that.
Some stuff that keeps you awake.
I was told to take it.
I don't need that.
The way you looked at me like, oh boy, I don't need that.
That's one of the worst things you could ever do to me, Joe.
That's the thing about comedians, man.
We love to get our sleep on.
Well, I mean, speed would kill me.
I like downs.
I like tranquilizers.
If I was going to do any drug, I would do heroin.