#306 - Christopher Ryan cover

Episode Transcript: #306 - Christopher Ryan

NaN minutesEpisode #306
Christopher Ryan

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Current time: 00:00:00

the joe rogan experience


chris ryan how are you sir thanks for doing this man i really appreciate it good i'm sorry if we


allegedly got you too high before the show to talk well that long commercial gave me a chance


to calm down a little that's what those are good for we stumble through those commercials and sort


of like it's sort of like when you uh have a car and it's a manual and it can't start but you can


push that bitch and then pop the clutch and start and then once it's going you're okay right that's


what it's like so the commercial acts is sort of like a scaffolding for us to get our our our sea


legs under us before we uh venture out into the podcast world right so uh thanks for doing this


man your book if people don't know it's called sex at dawn and uh it was uh suggested to me by our


very good friend duncan trussell and uh i read it and i fucking loved it man it's a really really


interesting stuff you know uh i use the uh the one um one of the things that i read that was that i'd


never heard before was the origins of the word yucatan yeah that's really fascinating stuff man


yeah it was a misunderstanding and that what the what is it a mayan person i mean who would you say


with my mind yeah that what they were saying was essentially i don't understand you when they


were asking what is this place called right they were saying i don't understand you and that i don't


understand you became like in a garbled sort of a way what they described the area exactly


describing it as i don't understand you yeah yeah it's amazing because it sounds so authentic if you


say well we went camping in the yucatan it's like you know you sound like you know you're like


fucking eating organic salads and doing the right thing yeah you're out in nature but meanwhile what


you you're you're at i don't know understand you that's where you are yeah that's that's that is uh

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