#310 - Neil Degrasse Tyson cover

Episode Transcript: #310 - Neil Degrasse Tyson

NaN minutesEpisode #310
Neil deGrasse Tyson

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Current time: 00:00:00

with that that it would not be official neil tyson thank you very much for coming on here man this is


an honor this is a blast i think the universe is going to explode you are for sure the most


requested podcast guest ever in the history of this podcast so brian and i have been doing this


for three years and we have come full cycle with your appearance here today i have i felt the


magnetic force of your fan base pulling me in are you sure that wasn't what the mayans were talking


about i'm sure that wasn't the universe aligning i was so happy when i saw you uh do this uh i forget


what the interview was but someone was talking about the alignment of the stars and the galaxies


the first time in 20 you're like no it happens all the time yeah it happens every year yeah i told my


friend eddie bravo who's a beautiful human being but he loves himself a conspiracy theory he loves


that when i told him i go dude neil tyson says it's bullshit he goes like this oh okay well yeah


probably bullshit i don't want the authority of my academic pedigree to be what makes it bullshit


right i mean it's it's i want you i want to give people i want to arm people intellectually so that


they can then deduce that there's nothing to it so when someone says planets are going to align and earth


is going to die i i want to encourage them to ask how often do planets align right and then you get


the answer every year so you don't even have to do the calculation well it's that shallow um sort of


uh interest in a subject where it only allows you to regurgitate the really juicy shit you heard


about the planetary alignment is which is so dangerous because when people when people are


bullshitting which is most of the conversation we get into we don't get into serious academic


discussions with people who have actually done the homework you just bullshit with a dude at work


and he's like yeah i heard the fucking planets are gonna align and it's like i don't even know what's

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