Episode Transcript: #316 - Enson Inoue, Chuck Liddell
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The Joe Rogan Experience.
Train by day, Joe Rogan Podcast by night, all day.
Ladies and gentlemen, we seriously got two fucking legends in the house.
This is a ridiculous late night podcast.
It's 1230 a.m. here, Ensign Inouye.
Where'd you fly in from?
Portland, Oregon?
Oregon just flew in from Portland, staying with Chuck Liddell.
The only way to do a podcast is to bang it out right now at 1230 a.m.
So here we are, man.
Speaking in the microphone.
Tell everybody what's up.
What's up?
People have been asking for this podcast for a long fucking time, man.
I wonder why.
You're a very unique character.
They want to hear you talk.
You're not just a pioneer of MMA, as is Chuck, but you're also a very unique human being.