Episode Transcript: #334 - Dr. Amit Goswami
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All right, we are here with Dr. Goswami. Thank you very much for doing this. I really appreciate it.
I've seen a lot of your videos online. I read a lot of your work and it is some very, very fascinating and for a person as dumb as I am, confusing.
The idea of quantum mechanics and just when someone uses the word quantum, do you find that a lot of folks that just eyes glaze over?
Well, not anymore because, you know, the most complex, one of the most complex concepts of quantum physics is quantum leap.
It's a discontinuous transition and that gives an idea of how foreign it is to a mind which thinks in the Newtonian fashion.
You know, motion is continuous and quantum leap is discontinuous.
But it's used everywhere today. Everybody knows.
You know, if anything unusual happens, people say, took a quantum leap.
So that has a...
What do they mean by that? I think they just mean like a big jump.
I think they just mean a big jump.
If they knew that it's a discontinuous jump, they probably would hesitate.
What does that exactly mean by a discontinuous jump?
Well, I have to go back a little.
So think of electrons going around the atomic nucleus in an atom.
When electrons jump from one of these orbits to another orbit, it does not go through the intervening space.
However much surprising to your rational mind that is, just suspend your disbelief.