#357 - Daniele Bolelli cover

Episode Transcript: #357 - Daniele Bolelli

NaN minutesEpisode #357
Daniele Bolelli

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hey there we go the um that that the that sound of the italian language man the italians really


figured out how to make shit sound good like as they were saying it like i was at disneyland


today and there was a couple that was talking next to us that was like clearly italian like they


would like it's like they're singing like a little song like it sounds good yeah yeah oh it's awesome


because what i think about is like i've been here 20 years and i still speak like a fob but because


it's italian fob but then it's like oh exotic european it's cool and suddenly doors open for


me whereas you know if i was bulgarian or some shit i would be we would be not trusting you yeah


what the fuck is your problem learn how to speak english right already you sound like a beautiful


classicist or something some dude from a bygone time when men were elegant and the number of times


that i see i say something in the classroom and i realize my students are just looking at each other


like i did this forever nobody ever told me anything i always use the word uh you know when i say


sovereignty i used to say sovereignty oh no really i never heard it i only said it uh read it and so


i was like it must be sovereignty sound about right so i used it over and over again nobody ever said


anything right so clearly nobody understood shit of what i was saying and one day a girl was like


are you trying to say sovereignty yeah sovereignty as i was saying it's like it's fucking painful man


that's interesting when you're learning a language and you've never and you you've never said words


that are like fairly common read like sovereignty like i have a few there's a few that occasionally


like i don't i can't think of any off the cuff but i know there's some where i've only read them i've


never said them and then when someone says them i'm like which one is that is that the silent g one

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