#360 - Graham Hancock cover

Episode Transcript: #360 - Graham Hancock

NaN minutesEpisode #360
Graham Hancock

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Current time: 00:00:00

the joe rogan experience


powerful bram hancock how are you sir i'm good just just fine you've um you've kicked the green


bitch yes yes after a 24 year intense relationship with the green goddess or the green bitch depending


on what mood she's in i had to stop um and uh i've come in for some i've come in for some some


criticism for for this and and i feel it's important to say that uh i hugely value and uh love cannabis


i think it's a wonderful herbal ally and i think that i don't think that i would ever have written


my books of historical mystery if i had not encountered cannabis rather late in life i did


not smoke any dope until i was 37 years old and i'm now 62 wow and uh roughly rather about the age of


38 that's when i started getting into historical mysteries before that it was all of course it's


total stoner stuff absolutely before that it was all current affairs you know right so but suddenly


something opened up for me and i'm very and i'm very grateful to the herb for that and initially


my real i again i need to emphasize this i think the problem i eventually ended up having with cannabis


it's not the fault of cannabis it's the fault of graham hancock i think my relationship became abusive


with the herb it was not initially initially it was something i would do evenings and weekends i would


not try to write while i was actually stoned i would do my day's work and then chill out in the


evening with a pipe or a joint that was that was how it was for me for quite a while and i went through


my first big historical mystery book the sign and the seal which was published in 1992 with that


pattern in other words that i would be i would be smoking only after i downed tools at the end of


the evening and i was ready to chill um and that worked fine but then when i started when i started


writing fingerprints of the gods which was the biggest book i've i've ever done a five million

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