#369 - Jason Silva, Duncan Trussell, Ari Shaffir cover

Episode Transcript: #369 - Jason Silva, Duncan Trussell, Ari Shaffir

NaN minutesEpisode #369
Jason SilvaAri ShaffirDuncan Trussell

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Current time: 00:00:00

the joe rogan experience train by day joe rogan podcast by night all day


praise odin duncan trussell praise odin praise odin jason silva praise odin praise odin ari


shafir we are finally we're finally together again this is a fucking super podcast yeah this


is really great this is as sexy as it gets for me i'm very happy to be here man thank you for


having me back it was so cool running into you with the the global future 2045 conference man


that was badass dude that was awesome that is your world dude that's where clarity man yeah


well i was actually talking about with duncan about this a little while ago what was your guys's


impression because i mean that's kind of like the mecca of the singularity you guys visited mecca


yeah singularity and because we visited for the show we got to talk to some really cool people


that that probably would never sit down and talk to us yeah you know like aubrey degray i got to


talk to aubrey degray we'll have that on the show and you know you guys got to talk to what was the


gentleman's name of the robot uh hiroshi hiroshi ishigura hiroshi ishigura is his name crazy robot man


yeah really weird did you talk to the one that didn't have limbs no the one the little baby one


yeah yeah yeah like somewhat limbs well that that one freaked me out because that one responds to


you in conversation it understands what you say and it responds to you so you're like hey how you doing


and it goes good how are you and then it's like and it's like good man where are you from he's like


i'm from tokyo and i'm like oh cool did you like to travel here's like yeah it was fun but here's the


thing it's this like humanoid baby with no limbs which feels like the beginning of like a creepy sci-fi


movie that starts out with showing like the first ai but it's limbless so it's this like weird thing


like so we're gonna build them but they're gonna be like a little circus freaks you know without limbs

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