Episode Transcript: #384 - Ian McCall
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The Joe Rogan Experience.
Train by day, Joe Rogan podcast by night, all day.
Powerful Ian McCall.
Dude, thank you so much for doing this, man.
Thank you for having me.
Much requested by the Underground Forum.
Yes, the UGCTT, my loyal followers.
Yeah, what does that stand for?
The Underground Creepy Top Team.
These guys, I've been there forever.
I've been on the Underground since 2002 or 2001, I think.
But they made this themselves.
They called themselves the UGCTT to make fun of all the other top teams in the world.
That's why all the shirts have it on.
That's why we don't make money off the shirts.
Oh, that's funny.
We just make enough to pay for it, and then we give away tons of shirts.
Yeah, that Underground's kind of mine of its own.
Yeah, they could sway the opinion of the sport, I think, itself.
Yeah, and it's funny how these things just come out of nowhere on a forum, and then it becomes a meme, and then it takes off.