Episode Transcript: #388 - Mick West, Bryan Callen
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The Joe Rogan Experience.
Train by day, Joe Rogan podcast by night, all day.
Hello, my friends.
We're talking to the great Brian Callen,
who will be at Charlie Goodnights this weekend in North Carolina,
if you listen to this live or within the next couple of days.
And then we're also talking to Mick West.
Mick West is a guy who came on to my podcast,
or my television show, rather,
where the sci-fi Joe Rogan questions everything,
where we wanted to discuss a bunch of issues.
And then I found out that he has a website
that is devoted entirely to debunking things.
I'd known about your website before, Contrail Science.
Is it contrailscience.org or .com?
And I'd read that.
I'll write this down. Contrail.
Contrail Science.
And it's very detailed and very easy,