#438 - Dr. Mark Gordon cover

Episode Transcript: #438 - Dr. Mark Gordon

NaN minutesEpisode #438
Dr. Mark Gordon

Follow along with the complete transcript of this episode. The transcript automatically syncs with the video - highlighting the current segment and scrolling as you watch. Click any part of the transcript to jump to that timestamp.

Current time: 00:00:00

my friend this ladies and gentlemen this is my friend dr mark gordon and uh mark gordon is uh


you're not just a doctor you're a fascinating dude and uh when i first met you one of the


first things i said i was like this motherfucker needs his own podcast because you can just


talk nobody can spit out information like i've never i've been alive for 46 years never met a


guy who can spit out as much impressive information as you that quickly when it comes to like the body


it's my escape at home i have four women so who gets to talk at home right not me yeah it's so


outside the world i get to share what i do inside you get shut down i get shut down wow but you have


a lot of information dude every time i talk to you i wish i had like a notebook or i wish i was


recording it because i always try to remember as much as possible and you've given me some great


advice as far as uh you know health and fitness and exercise and all sorts of different you know


things that you know about but i always walk away from every conversation you know i know i forgot


something i know i didn't remember something like the last time we were talking you were telling me


about some shit that helps your liver after you drink and you take this what is this what is it


unbelievable glutathione pull that thing closer to your face so people hear you better glutathione


glutathione and that that that helps your liver when you drink alcohol well it helps you with just


about anything that the liver is responsible for um digesting or um metabolizing as you metabolize


certain drugs chemicals and so forth the liver uses up its ability to um continue the process so it


spills over into the blood and that's how you get uh you know drunk because your liver can only deal


with a certain amount so if you replenish or replace the glutathione in the liver you get incredible


benefits of it not only does it help with metabolism but it's an incredible antioxidant for the brain and

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