Episode Transcript: #442 - Steven Rinella
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Some pigs are going to die this weekend, Steve Rinella.
That's right.
I'm 90 shots in.
My shoulder's made out of fucking hamburger right now from all the impacts.
Unless someone think we're talking about police, man.
We're talking about Seuss Scraffa.
Yeah, I thought about posting a photo of the targets that I shot.
I'm not saying some pigs are going to die, but I didn't think that that would be.
That could be problematic.
Yep, Seuss Scraffa.
I'm glad you're here this week.
The Eurasian wild boar.
You know, it's interesting, man.
All pigs in North America, so domestic, the kind in your bacon, feral ones, wild ones, it's all one species.
Yeah, you told me that.
As much as there's difference, they recognize them all as one species.