Episode Transcript: #470 - Amber Lyon
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Joe Rogan podcast, check it out.
The Joe Rogan experience.
Train by day, Joe Rogan podcast by night, all day.
Hey, Amber the Lion.
Last time we spoke on a podcast was two months before the world was supposed to get an end.
It was that big December 21st, 2012 scare that everybody was so terrified about.
You know, we had people telling us for sure some change was going to happen.
I had Daniel Pinchbeck on the podcast.
He told me for sure.
I go, for sure something's going to happen December 21st, 2012.
It was absolutely without a doubt.
All markers point to that.
And here we are.
And here we are.
We're still alive.
Nothing's changed.
Nothing's changed.
Have you written him and been like, excuse me?
No, I don't want to be mean.