Episode Transcript: #501 - Randall Carlson
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Trying to get the old brain fired up in the a.m. It's very unusual that well I usually get up around this time so do a podcast around this time.
So Randall Carlson ladies and gentlemen I first met Randall quite a few years back in Atlanta he and he blew my brain open with a bunch of crazy talk about asteroids and just all kinds of crazy shit sacred geometry and you're a very interesting cat and you you got a lot of cool stuff to talk about.
So I'm glad we finally got you here on the podcast you're a much requested guest on my online forum so folks know about you they know about your work.
Oh all these years of anonymity and now I'm suddenly I don't know if I'm ready for this Joe.
I think you're ready dude I feel it from you this is your time to shine.
All right Joe coming from you that's all it all it requires.
Well we had a great conversation when we first met and we did ever since then I've been trying to figure out a way to repeat it online.
There's videos of us actually having parts of the conversation but it's there's music in the background we're at the comedy club in Atlanta.
Yeah so you you you first I don't remember what we first started talking about but you blew my mind when you started talking to me about the Holocene crater.
And that this pretty distinct evidence that you know there's been more than one events on this earth besides the one that everybody knows about the 65 million year ago one where the big chunk of rock hit the Yucatan and killed the dinosaurs.
But there's been a series of those and that these things may very well be responsible for a lot of the cataclysmic stories that are in Epic of Gilgamesh the Noah's Ark story.
All these different fables and tales of ancient traditions may be based on these cataclysmic disasters.
And now since we've spoken science has started to validate a lot of your theories and ideas even more substantially.
The discovery of this nuclear glass that they find all throughout Europe and Asia.
Tell me about all this stuff.
Well I did you catch the thing about a month ago.
I think it was in the New York Times most of the major newspapers a group of former NASA astronauts and scientists came out said we were new evidence was showing that we're probably somewhere between three and ten times more likely to encounter things than anybody had previously been estimating even five to ten years ago.
Yeah it was a pretty major article in most of the mainstream media.
You mean by encounter things by getting hit by something.