Episode Transcript: #516 - Lewis, from Unbox Therapy
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I love when a dude shows up at a podcast and he's got a bunch of shit that if I saw on a shelf I'd be like, ooh, what's that?
Yeah, I figured coming straight from Google I.O. that it would make a lot of sense to bring some of this stuff inside.
It would have been a shame to leave it out there.
What exactly is Google I.O.?
It's their developers conference, so it's focused on bringing together people that are making apps, sort of Google-centric type of applications.
But it's also turned into a consumer-facing conference because a lot of people are paying attention at that time.
I think they had a million concurrent streamers of the actual event.
A million?
A million worldwide.
Jesus Christ.
I know.
That's incredible.
It sounded like too much to me, but I'm not going to question Google.
Well, that's a good television show on HBO, right?
Isn't it?
I mean, what does Game of Thrones get on Sunday night?
I don't know if they do it concurrent.